Search Engine Friendly Websites

Whether you are aware of it or not, not all websites are search engine friendly… And it’s more prevalent than you think! There are many websites out there that are either outdated, written by code-hoarding designers that haven’t bothered to update their web development skills in the last decade, or just plain missing important search engine friendly code altogether. You might be saying, “Why would this make a website less search engine friendly?” Let me give you general examples of why!

A Decrepit, Jaded & Surly Website

NetscapeSome website owners believe it necessary to neither update the content of their website nor update the design and code. They just let it wither away into web antiquities. Ultimately, in the long run, this is a very bad choice. Websites should be thought of as being alive and needing some attention from time to time. Content should be kept fresh, so loyal visitors aren’t bored by seeing the same old content. Minor design changes are important too from time to time for the same reasons. And if you’re still rocking that website from 2001, chances are it was built with old clunky code that not only slows the website down but hinders how it’s indexed by search engines. In the long run, this can affect your search engine rankings. Plain and simple, neglected websites over time become jaded and surly just like your best friend’s neighbor’s decrepit grandmother who doesn’t bother answering the door for trick-or-treaters on Halloween anymore.

Beware of Underdeveloped Code-Hoarders

Like website owners that are guilty of neglecting their own websites, code-hoarders tend to be guilty of neglecting to update their web knowledge. I mean let’s face it, all web designers/developers know (or at least should) the web is a fast paced ever-changing realm of new and exciting web design features. Yet there are designers/developers out there that refuse to change and evolve. They get stuck, and build websites with unnecessary code-clutter, it bogs down the website so that it doesn’t perform as well as it would than if it were designed by someone who was writing light-weight code that is easily indexed.

So What’s Missing?

W3C Web SemanticsWeb designers should at least have some working knowledge of the semantic web and how to use meta-tags properly. Yet, it is surprising how many websites out there are missing aspects of both. Web semantics are probably the most important; they give your site clean structure that tells search engine robots what content is most important. This takes the guesswork away, so robots can index a site according to salient information. Sure it’s great to have a website that looks great, but if it’s not working for you and gaining you more viewers, then it might as well be pretty paper stuck in a filing cabinet.

Overall it really doesn’t take much to make a website search engine friendly – mostly just a little love and proper code. With a little knowledge and a little less neglect, a website will be well on its way to eventually gaining higher search rankings. Of course, there are other strategies involved with gaining higher search engine ranking, but we’ll save that for a later post.

Jacobito Open For Business

Jacobito Design is officially open for business! We’ve worked hard to set up an easy to use website that illustrates what we’re capable of. Although our focus is in web design, we feel that graphic design is a service that would be silly not to offer. Our prices are competitive, and we offer a free 30-minute preliminary consultation. Plus, we’re super friendly!!! What else would you like in a design agency?

Picking a Web Designer

Picking a web designer is tricky. The first dilemma is knowing whether or not you are getting enough bang for your buck. The second dilemma is knowing what is standard in modern web design and if the designer is current. Third, you want an agency that will implement a SEO (Search Engine Optimization) campaign from the get-go.


I know… “What did you just say?!” Yea, we’re nerds at Jacobito Design, and we do our darnedest to articulate what terms mean, what the acronyms stand for, how they are used, and whether or not you’ll be needing them for your website. We would like to include you in the design process. We feel that if you’re not involved, we’re not really making a website for YOU.

Modern Web Design

At Jacobito Design we think of ourselves as contemporary designers. We stay abreast to current topics in a fast moving industry and are constantly learning and probing for the latest standards. Reliable communication plays a key role between us, as the designers and you in the development of your site from start to finish.

Bang for Your Buck

Jacobito Design is a small website agency that occasionally hires out, so prices are kept competitive for our clients. We feel that in order to be flexible and competitive in this economy, costs need to be kept clean and within budget — for everyone! As a company, we aren’t out to gouge our clients and suggest services that aren’t necessary. We won’t suggest services you don’t need and aim to keep you informed of all the options that are available to you.

Graphic Design

Yea, we do that too! We might as well; we have the tools and more than enough passion for delivering. Plus we get to use a little more of the right side of our brains through the process.

Services we offer range from logo design and posters to vinyl top-sheet graphics for your skis or snowboard.